Monday, October 22, 2012

Our first Graduation!

One of my favorite things about giving birth to B in the hospital which we did is their "family centered" approach. When we toured the hospital I was impressed by the warmth of the rooms, they didn't have that "hospital" feel, and I loved that the baby was with you the entire time after birth (barring any medical necessity to be in the NICU). It made me feel comforted to know that we would be the ones caring for little B, but there was a staff on hand to answer any questions and help with any problems that may arise. One of the most important people on that staff team (in my opinion) was the first International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) that I had ever met. Her name is Tracey and she is one of the sweetest women I know. I believe she is a HUGE part of why B and I have been successful breastfeeding. Not only was there assistance and support offered in the hospital, but a "support" group was also available, free of charge, for the first year. Being a new mom I took complete advantage of the excuse to not only get out of the house but to meet some new mommy friends as well. 

So, fast forward a year later and B is officially graduating from the affectionately nicknamed "Boob Group".
I am so thankful for Tracey's leadership, wisdom and inspiration. I'm thankful for the women that I have met that I now consider close friends. They have helped me to not only become the mother that I am to B, but learn to laugh at the mistakes that I've made, and will continue to make! I love that these women are like-minded without being my clones. I love that we can have candid conversations about parenting, marriage, families, and even poop without fear of judgement. I also love that this first year is just the beginning, we will continue to keep in touch with Tracey and the other women from this group and look forward to the adventures that the next years will undoubtedly bring!

Congratulations to my little man on your first graduation, and congratulations to all of his classmates and families as well! :)

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