My name is Kristin, I'm 29 and originally from Wisconsin. I relocated to the suburbs of Phoenix, AZ with my husband about 4 years ago. I have one son, who is about 6 months old, and 3 fur-babies: 2 rescue dogs and a rescue kitty. Our house is crazy but full of love!
I'm a new stay-at-home-mom and loving every minute of it. I never thought this is where I would be at this point in my life, but I am thankful to have the opportunity to stay home and raise my little man. I am a recent cloth diaper convert and think it's fantastic! I am now a huge advocate and will talk anyone's ear off if they let me! I am a big fan of baby-wearing and swear it's the only way my little guy will sleep sometimes!
PR friendly please feel free to contact me at krazyforkloth{at}yahoo[dot]com
It was a pleasure meeting you tonight at the Moms night out, even if you had to wait till the end and just win a cup...hehehe!