Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Please tell me I'm not the only one...

There are times during parenthood that you really start to question what you're doing. The times when you sit for a second and think, I seriously can't be the only person that's considered doing/has done/will do this, right?

A couple recent examples: 

  • We have a Summer Infant video monitor. I love it. The color and picture are great. The sound is incredible and it even has the ability to let you talk through it by simply pushing a button. When B goes down for a nap, or down for the night, I grab the monitor and it almost seems like the second it's in my hand I go into ninja-mode. I catch myself tip-toeing, being cautious with the noise emanating from the electric toothbrush and hair-dryer, not because these noises are in the baby's room, but because they are next to the monitor! The second it happens I catch myself and realize how silly it is. I know he can't possibly hear any of these noises through the monitor. But it never fails, the next time the monitor is in my hands, it happens again! 

  • B has been a teething monster the past couple weeks. Truthfully he's been teething since he was about 3 months old. The baltic amber necklace he wears solves the majority of any teething complaints I've ever had. That is, until molars reared their jagged little heads. At just shy of 11 months old, B started to push through his first molar. It took a full two weeks before that puppy popped all the way through. Just as that one finished up, the top ones started coming down. Yes, plural. One on each side. Tiny little tooth stalactites wrecking havoc on poor B's little gums. This made today a rough one. I can usually rely on babywearing to get me through most days where B is extra clingy, but today was different. He didn't want to be held, but didn't want to be put down. Didn't want to nurse, but kept burying his head in my chest. Didn't want to sleep, but had the reddest eyes because he was fighting it so hard. What to do, what to do...I started to recall a conversation with a friend from a few days ago about laying in the crib. After pacing the floors, I had to try. (Now, I'm not a petite person. I'm 5'10" and I won't mention my weight here, but I'm certainly not mistaken for a runway model in terms of skinny-ness. :) ) So much to B's surprise, in I hopped. and much to MY surprise, nothing broke! On me, or the crib! I sat on one side and B crawled into my lap and fell asleep after about 30 seconds. AH...Bliss! Until I realized I had to move. I couldn't sit cross-legged for very long and my knee started to twitch. I gently placed B on the other side of the crib and then had to figure out  how to get myself out of the crib without waking up the little man. I will tell you I was not the least bit graceful, or successful in my attempt to get out of the crib. He woke up, but I did secure 15 minutes of peaceful sleep for him until then and wouldn't you know, I replicated the exact position from the crib in the chair, hoping he would go back to sleep. Yeah, not so much! I'm not going to lie, I foresee this situation playing out again in the future, but I will have to plan out my escape route before getting in the crib this time. :) 

I'm sure there will be more of these moments in the future, but  for now, this will give you a glimpse into a "day in the life of..."

So, please tell me I'm not alone! Please tell me you've had your own moments like these? and PLEASE feel free to share them below!!


  1. I am certain I would probably break the crib if I crawled in, lol. If you told me I would ever nurse a baby while a going to the bathroom I would think you were nuts, but alas, I have :P

  2. Wow! That's pretty impressive to have been in the crib!! I've never heard of that or tried it. I don't think my Little Bug would want to sleep but would likely want to play or nurse! Good luck!!

  3. you made me laugh out loud darlin girl..there is not a mom out there that doesn't have those stories! Just a tip though...hide that hand held monitor when climbing out of the crib, lest anyone else see your less than graceful moves! Love AK

  4. LOL! You are not alone, 2 nights ago I slept in the crib with my son! Needless to say I was tired and sore the next day!!

  5. Haha! I'm picturing you in the crib. I never had to do that thankfully, but I spent many nights laying next to my son in our bed!

  6. LOL! I have to admit, I've slept with my girls in their toddler beds but never in the crib. I'm so short I can barely put them in sleeping soundly when it's lowered all the way. I'm not sure I could get in and out without some assistance.

  7. Those molars are awful little buggers! We barely slept for 2 weeks when he had 3 coming in at the same time. I haven't crawled into the crib though. We have the mattress on the floor inside the crib frame because he started to climb out and isn't ready for a toddler bed yet. I'm short (5'3) and if I tried to climb in like that I'd probably break a hip! ;)

  8. I've been wondering if I could get in the crib too! I'm 5'10'' as well but my husband says no way! haha. Definitely trying it now!
