Ah, baby clothes. Something I think we're all guilty of splurging on at one time or another. Whether it's for your own baby, or a gift, resisting the "Mommy's little" this or "Daddy's little" that is not an easy task! If you're like me, this inability to "fight the urge" can get a little pricey when buying for a little one! So what do we do? We relegate ourselves to garage sales, CraigsList, and consignment shops. Don't get me wrong, you can score some great deals, but most everything you purchase is in varying states of "use" and let's face it, sometimes what one person describes as "excellent condition" for baby clothes would function more as baby wipes for someone else. So, you start to think. How can I get good quality new clothes for my child without breaking the bank? Enter my next company review Wittlebee.
Wittlebee is a parent-minded company with a heart. They saw the need to help parents find quality children's clothes, in the style they prefer, for a great price. What's even better, is they will hand pick out outfits based on your indicated style preference, box them up, and mail them to you once a month! Each box contains over $100 worth of children's clothes, for a monthly price of $39.99. That's it. Your traveling to the mall, coupon-clipping, sale-scavenging, style settling days are over! Wittlebee graciously sent me a box for little B for the purpose of this review. I plan to share all the juicy behind-the-scenes details with you! Here's how it works:
You will first fill out a style profile. You will indicate your child's gender, name, current age, and current size. You then choose a "style" of clothes that best suits your little one. There are 5 options to pick from. I chose Casual and Preppy. After that you choose any patterns or graphics that fits their personality. For B I picked patterns/plaids and stripes. You then pick any favorite colors, and have the option to specifically indicate anything you do not need or want. For us, this included onesies and long-sleeves. You can also highlight what you do need. We picked shorts and short-sleeves because we all know how lovely Arizona is in the summer! Finally you have the option to add personal notes to the mommy stylist or receive a call from a mommy stylist to confirm/discuss any additional information you find relevant. It's that simple. Once you're done with the style profile, you enter your payment info and then wait. This is the hardest part!
They really did a great job picking out outfits for B! We ended up with 4 complete outfits! 3 pair of shorts, a pair of pants, 2 sleeveless shirts, a short-sleeve polo, and a short sleeve button-down shirt. I was so impressed, not only with the style but the quality. In my box were Carter's and Michael Kors! Everything was new with tags, and they clearly listened to my style profile and picked items that I have no problem putting B in! (Side note: we're tentatively planning a pirate-theme for B's first birthday, so when I saw a cute pirate shirt, I was elated!) The sizing was all apporpriate and overall I had no complaints. When your child does start changing sizes, simply update your style profile and your next box will reflect the new sizes! So easy!
I spy a pirate hat and some fun plaid! |
Just because I had no complaints doesn't mean you won't have questions for customer service and since I had read that Wittlebee's customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, I decided to learn more about it. If there is an item that you do not want or need, Wittlebee will ask that you simply donate that item and they will send you a replacement in your next box! If that weren't nice enough, for every Wittlebee box that ships out, they donate a onesie to a child in need! So not only are you clothing your child, you're helping to provide a little clothing to a child in need as well!
All laid-out and matched up! |
Ok, now that I've given you all the details, I'm just missing out one, a big one! How do you sign up? Here is where you get started AND because Wittlebee thinks all the Krazy for Kloth readers are pretty fantastic, they are giving you $10 off your first box! So that's hand-picked, clothing essentials, delivered to your door for your little one for $29.99! Sign up here, and please let me know how much you love your new outfits! Oh, and I almost forgot, Wittlebee now has it set up so you can send boxes as a gift! You can send 3, 6, or 12 month gift options. The recipient enters their code, chooses their style and voila! All done! No duplicates, no gift receipts, just easy. Perfect for new parents :)
Hello there! I came across your blog and thought you’d be a great candidate for the Liebster Blog Award. If you have not heard of it, learn more about it in my Liebster Post - http://www.jenkinskidfarm.com/2012/11/i-got-liebster-award.html. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Cindy {Jenkins Kid Farm}