Monday, August 13, 2012

Time Management

I used to really be good at time management! Heck, I'm a great multi-tasker, I take pride in my work, and I'm generally Type-A when it comes to organization. This last month seems to be the exception! I'm sorry my dear blog, I've been neglecting you. My days instead have been filled up with family visits, birthday celebrations, trying to keep up with a 10 month old running machine, and molars. Yes, molars. What 10 month old gets a molar!? 

Anyway, I've learned a couple things these past few weeks. I really love writing a blog; I love that I'll have a digital memory book to share with B some day, and I love that I can learn about new products and share them with all of you as well. I think when I took on the commitment of doing a blog that has product reviews that I didn't realize the amount of time and work that really goes into them. And I'm just a small, new blog! To the mama's that run huge ones with tons of giveaways and events, I salute you! I've learned that despite loving all the aforementioned things about blogging, I don't love it more than my time with my family and friends. I found myself distracted when I would be playing with B, my mind wandering to my next post, my next facebook update, my next photo. I'd feel guilty for wishing that time away for him to nap so I could get caught up on blogging. Then I took a step back. Was I seriously wanting him to nap, just to be able to talk about the fun things he was doing? That didn't make sense to me. So this last month has been like a sabbatical for me. Time to step away, unplug a bit, regroup, and re-evaluate priorities. I feel like my batteries are re-charged, I'm ready to get back at it, and I have a better plan for my time management :) 

With that being said, I've got a couple reviews/giveaways that will be posting soon and will also try to dedicate more time to documenting family time. My 1:1 time with my sweet little man is limited, I need to take advantage!! :) Thank you for understanding!

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