About Me

My  name is Kristin, I'm 29 and originally from Wisconsin. I relocated to the suburbs of Phoenix, AZ with my husband about 4 years ago. I have one son, who is about 6 months old, and 3 fur-babies: 2 rescue dogs and a rescue kitty. Our house is crazy but full of love! 

I'm a new stay-at-home-mom and loving every minute of it. I never thought this is where I would be at this point in my life, but I am thankful to have the opportunity to stay home and raise my little man. I am a recent cloth diaper convert and think it's fantastic! I am now a huge advocate and will talk anyone's ear off if they let me! I am a big fan of baby-wearing and swear it's the only way my little guy will sleep sometimes!

I hope to share some new found wisdom and learn from other moms as well. I look forward to informing you about local events that are kid and budget friendly as well as reviewing some great products!

PR friendly please feel free to contact me at krazyforkloth{at}yahoo[dot]com

1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure meeting you tonight at the Moms night out, even if you had to wait till the end and just win a cup...hehehe!
